Yn eithaf grym y dwr

Yn eithaf grym y dwr,
  A'r tònau'n curo lawr,
Tywysog nefoedd yw fy Nhwr,
  A'm Ceidwad mawr;
Fe ddeil fy mhen i'r lan,
  Can's nerth i'r gwan yw Ef;
Pe'm dwg o'm
    cystudd yn y man,
  I deyrnas nef.

Am fod yr Iesu'n fyw,
  Byw hefyd fydd ei saint,
Er gorfod goddef poen a briw -
  Mawr yw eu braint!
Bydd melys glanio draw,
  'R ol bod o dòn i dòn,
Ac mi rof ffarwel maes o law
  I'r ddaear hon.

Fe geidw'r eiddo Ef,
  Dyogel fydd eu braint;
Rhydd wisgoedd glân
    a thlysau'r nef
  I'w siriol saint;
O ffrydiau'r gwynfyd gwiw,
  A llwyni heirdd y wlad.
A ffrwythau per paradwys Duw
  Cânt wir fwynhâd.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 6684D]

  Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw
  O dyred/tyred addfwyn Oen

In the utmost force of the water,
  And the waves beating down,
The Prince of heaven is my Tower,
  And my great Saviour;
He holds my head up,
  Since strength to the weak is he;
He will bring me from my
    affliction in a while,
  To the kingdom of heaven.

Since my Jesus is alive,
  Live also shall his saints,
Despite having to suffer pain and wound -
  Great is their privilege!
It will be sweet to land yonder,
  After being from wave to wave,
And I shall bid farewell soon
  To this earth.

He will keep his own,
  Safe shall be their privilege;
He will give clean garments
    and the jewels of heaven
  To his cheerful saints;
Of the blessed worthy streams,
  And the beautiful groves of the land,
And the sweet fruits of God's paradise
  They shall get truly to enjoy.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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