Yn eithaf grym y dwr, A'r tònau'n curo lawr, Tywysog nefoedd yw fy Nhwr, A'm Ceidwad mawr; Fe ddeil fy mhen i'r lan, Can's nerth i'r gwan yw Ef; Pe'm dwg o'm cystudd yn y man, I deyrnas nef. Am fod yr Iesu'n fyw, Byw hefyd fydd ei saint, Er gorfod goddef poen a briw - Mawr yw eu braint! Bydd melys glanio draw, 'R ol bod o dòn i dòn, Ac mi rof ffarwel maes o law I'r ddaear hon. Fe geidw'r eiddo Ef, Dyogel fydd eu braint; Rhydd wisgoedd glân a thlysau'r nef I'w siriol saint; O ffrydiau'r gwynfyd gwiw, A llwyni heirdd y wlad. A ffrwythau per paradwys Duw Cânt wir fwynhâd.William Williams 1717-91 [Mesur: 6684D] |
In the utmost force of the water, And the waves beating down, The Prince of heaven is my Tower, And my great Saviour; He holds my head up, Since strength to the weak is he; He will bring me from my affliction in a while, To the kingdom of heaven. Since my Jesus is alive, Live also shall his saints, Despite having to suffer pain and wound - Great is their privilege! It will be sweet to land yonder, After being from wave to wave, And I shall bid farewell soon To this earth. He will keep his own, Safe shall be their privilege; He will give clean garments and the jewels of heaven To his cheerful saints; Of the blessed worthy streams, And the beautiful groves of the land, And the sweet fruits of God's paradise They shall get truly to enjoy.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |